Monday, February 10, 2025

Ready for Service in Sierra Leone

I always wanted to go to Africa. Ever since I was a kid watching movies like “The Lion King” or “George of the Jungle”, they sparked my imagination and fed my interest. And while these depictions were not accurate with their talking animals, I knew there had to be something special about Africa to have so many people go and create so many wonderful stories. Now that I’m going to Africa myself, it feels that I’m about to create my own story. I have no idea how this adventure will turn out. I know I’m not going to go and have a wacky adventure in the jungle. I’m going because I feel called by God to go and help people who need it. I know there are going to be bumps in the road, mistakes made, tough times, and bug bites. But right now, I don’t care! I’m about to experience something extraordinary. And I can’t wait to share it with everyone!


I haven’t been able to leave yet. I had to delay my trip until February 12 (already a bump in the road), but honestly it was for the best. I caught some kind of flu two weeks ago and haven’t stopped hacking up phlegm since. The last thing I want is to show up to Sierra Leone and sound like someone who smoked a cigar everyday of her life. So I get a little time to rest and recover before I leave. But I feel like a racehorse chomping at the bit. I just can’t wait to leave and get started! I want to know what I’m going to do when I get there. I know I’m going to work at Holy Spirit Hospital, but I want to meet the patients I’ll care for and know what duties I’m going to perform. I want to see the sun rise in a country I’ve never been before. I want to shake hands with people I’ve never met before. I want to make new friends, try new foods, and listen to new music. I want to make mistakes and learn from them. I want to get homesick but then find something that just makes me so grateful I get to be in Africa and thank God for leading me there. I keep praying to Him that I haven’t forgotten anything that I’ll need to bring. Though if anything, I might be bringing too much. I hope I’ll be able to get everything to the airport in Lungi. I’m sure when I arrive, people will wonder why I have so many things. But I believe in being prepared for anything.

 This week will be my last week in the USA for a long time and I’m glad I will get to spend the time I have left with my family. I enjoyed my time with them these past two months. The Going Away party my mom threw for me was excellent! It made me feel so loved by my family, my friends, and my community. I also get to stay long enough to attend my Gram’s memorial service. She was really the one who inspired me to travel to new countries. She travelled all around the world and sometimes took me with her. She was an independent woman with an adventurous spirit. I’ll always be grateful for her encouraging me to pursue my interests and her belief that I could do anything I put my mind to. And I hope I can walk in her footsteps as a traveler. I’m glad I get to honor her and be with my family during this time of remembrance. I know I’m going to miss everyone while I’m gone, but I think sharing my adventures with them will help me feel closer to them. I look forward to writing them down on this blog. My next post will probably be about traveling to Sierra Leone. Until then, may the lord our God bless you all!


  1. So excited to see your adventures Sal. Love you and already miss you!

  2. Love you Sal. Go have an amazing adventure!


Lessons In African Healthcare

  My education in the world of African health care continues. My teachers are very patient with me, answering all my questions and allowing ...